Neobux Rented Referral Strategy

Renting referrals plays a large part of being a member at Neobux. It’s almost like managing a small business, but thankfully way easier! Think of your rented referrals as “employees”. When one of your employees is not pulling his/her weight (not clicking on enough ads) – it’s time to let them go and hire a replacement (or in Neobux terms “Recycle” that rented referral). That’s pretty much all there is to it, now all we need is a strategy to optimise managing our rented referrals!

Associated Costs and Break Even Points


Let’s first work on some basic numbers. As you would imagine, when you let an employee go, you have to pay a little severance pay. In Neobux terms, this is a fixed cost at $0.07 per referral you choose to recycle. There are 3 ways you can recycle a referral:


  • Pay $0.07 from your rental balance

  • Use NeoPoints to pay for the recycle, at a current cost of 93 NeoPoints per referral

  • Allow them to auto recycle after 14 days of inactivity at no cost


If you are new to Neobux and have only a handful of rented referrals, NeoPoints can be a great way to recycle. When you acquire more than say 50 rented referrals though, it becomes quite difficult to amass the NeoPoints required. The most common way of recycling referrals is to pay the $0.07 from your rental balance.


Tip: I would not recommend letting any inactive referral auto recycle. The reason being, you can recover the $0.07 in 1 or 2 days, instead of losing 14 days of potential revenue.


Now for the break even points. These will vary based on how many rented referrals and what type of membership you have. This strategy will focus on standard and golden memberships:



Revenue per Click


BE Clicks Per Day*


Cost Monthly





0 -> 250






251 -> 500






501 -> 750






751 -> 1000






1001 -> 1250






1251 -> 1500






1501 -> 1750






more than 1750






*Ignores any AutoPay and AutoRenew discounts.


Developing a Rented Referral Strategy


Now we know our costs, and how productive our “employees” need to be to make our business profitable, we can develop a rented referral strategy to optimise revenue. We need to find a midpoint between:

  • Recycling too much – spending too much on recycling can destroy our profits

  • Recycling too little – allowing our clicks per day to fall too low will put us in the red too

Firstly, you have to understand that any rented referral strategy is going to be more successful some days than others. Why? Because you are applying a static strategy to a dynamic environment. Not everyone is going to click 4 ads for the first 5 days, then 3 ads the next 10 days slowly decrementing to zero.

What we can do, is play the probability game to keep our revenue positive. The following bullets act as a good starting point when developing your rented referral strategy – you can tweak them as you seem fit, but they have kept me in the positive even as a standard member where break even points are considerably higher:

  • Recycle any inactive referral that hasn’t clicked in 4-5 days. Probabilities are high that the referral has lost interest. I have seen apparently inactive referrals bounce back to life after 3 days and be generally good clickers. Even employees need a little break from time to time!

This one’s easy to workout in your Neobux Dashboard. Login and click on “rented” in the menu on the left to bring up your list of rented referrals. You can click on “Last Click” at the top to sort by time of last click:


I have a lot of “No clicks yet” because I just rented yesterday. Scroll down until you see the first date:


I would recycle the one highlighted in yellow as this one has been inactive for 5 days.

  • Never recycle a referral that is above your break even point. I know, it’s tempting to bring your average up, but you could recycle and get an inactive referral, or one that performs worse. This is one of those times where people are too aggressive with recycling rented referrals, and a popular way of eating up profit with needless recycling.

  • Recycle any referral that falls below 20% of your break even point and that has been a referral for at least 10 days. Weed out the low performers that are losing you money!

This one requires a little elaboration. This time you will sort by average, and find the referrals that are below your break even – this varies based on your number of referrals and membership level. Fortunately, the first step in this rented referral strategy will ween out most of these, this one acts as a “double-check” to make sure we don’t miss any low performers.

rented referral strategy 3

I’m in good shape! Apart from the referrals yet to click, my lowest average clicks per day are 1.5. My employees are doing great!

  • Recycle daily if possible to ensure we are not leaving referrals that should be recycled any longer than necessary in our account – and missing out on revenue from a new rented referral.

Calculating Profit


There’s no point to having a rented referral strategy if we don’t attempt to gauge how successful it is. To calculate accurately profit we need to take into account AutoPay and AutoRenew. As you know, when we use both of these features, we lower the cost of the referral per month.

First we need to figure out how much the referral actually costs. This can get a little complex. Say for example if you have AutoPay on at a 15% discount and AutoRenew on at a 5% discount. Some referrals may renew with a 5% discount, some might click ads and invoke a 15% discount. Trying to figure the math and how to pull the info from Neobux can give you headaches!

So, here’s what I do. I use AutoPay so I’m guaranteed a 15% discount when someone clicks an ad. I typically manually renew referrals if and when their rental period remaining gets down to 5 days or so. I recycle for 90 days which gets me an 18% discount. I do have AutoRenew set just in case I miss a referral. Never let a referral expire!

Bottom line is, I am guaranteed at least a 15% discount on the base break evens – so a 15% discount is what I take into account when determining profit. Let’s look at a practical example.

One other point I want to stress, one way or another, you re going to incur a cost for a full days rental for every rented referral you have regardless of if they click or not. Let’s explain this by understanding what happens if a referral clicks, and if they don’t. This assumes AutoPay is turned on which I’m sure it is, right? :


  • If a rented referral clicks – you pay for that days rental via AutoPay

  • If a rented referral does not click – you pay for that days rental, because you lose a days rental

A lot of people just look at the AutoPay value and subtract this, but this does not take into account the renewal fee that is going to hit when the referral expires, assuming you either manually recycle or have AutoRenew switched on, which is advised since you don’t want to lose rented referrals, particularly if you are a Golden member.

The initial purchase of referrals I treat as a “Capital Cost”. As such, I calculate my break evens on the costs going forward, which use the AutoPay and AutoRenew discounts. In accounting terms, I’m not calculating my ROI, but daily operating profits going forward. Let’s put all this together into a practical example:

Let’s say I am a standard member with 300 rented referrals. My average ads clicked from rented referrals at the end of the day is 2.0. I recycled 5 referrals today. So how much money did I make?

Revenue is simple. Average clicks per referral x  rented referrals x revenue per click

2.0 x 300 x $0.005 = $3.00

My expenses are: AutoPay or AutoRenew rate applied to all rented referrals (15%/18% – I use 15% to be conservative) + Recycle fees

(300 x $0.0057) + (5 x $0.07) = $2.05

Total Profit = $0.95.

Out of interest, if I were a golden member, my profit would be double as my revenue per click doubles while all other variables remain constant – $1.90.


My maths is spot on, but let’s make sure. Here is the break even points with AutoPay and AutoRenew discounts applied:



Revenue per Click


BE Clicks Per Day


Cost Monthly

After AutoPay/Renew





0 -> 250







251 -> 500







501 -> 750







751 -> 1000







1001 -> 1250







1251 -> 1500







1501 -> 1750







more than 1750








What I’m saying here, is that for this particular example – by break even point (ignoring recycle fees) is when my rented referrals click an average of 1.13 clicks per day. Let’s see if this balances.


  • Revenue = 300 x 1.13 x 0.005 = $1.7

  • Expenses = 300 x 0.0057 = $1.71


Some small rounding difference makes up the penny difference here, but we balance. Again, remember we are ignoring recycling fees here, this is just to check our AutoPay/AutoRenew discounts are being properly accounted for.

Rented Referral Strategy Conclusion


I want to reiterate the fact that no single static strategy will work the same every day in a dynamic environment such as Neobux. One day you will make more, one day you will make less. However, following the tips laid out in this strategy should you see in profit month to month.

It’s important to follow some kind of strategy for recycling referrals, but equally as important to run the figures to make sure you are in profit. To not take this step, is like setting yourself a budget, and then not caring about what you spend!

I would encourage you to experiment with the variables in this strategy. For example, what happens if you recycle rented referrals if the are inactive for 4 days or 6 days instead of 5 – but if you do, stick to the same strategy for at least a month, and then compare figures.

Golden Strategy

So you have a few bucks to invest in Neobux and want to accelerate your return on investment? This is the Neobux strategy for you! I’ll take you through a couple of hundred days, step-by-step, and show how you how and when to invest in Neobux.

By the end of this strategy, you will have a golden membership, plus 1,200 or so rented referrals – and making a profit of around $12 per day – as well as maintaining your rented referral base.

Sign up and Start Renting!


Since you have some cash to invest, we’ll spend the next 3 weeks building up 300 rented referrals before going golden. As a standard member, 300 rented referrals is your max allowed.

As in my other strategies, I’m going to assume an average click rate of 1.8 per rented referral throughout this Neobux strategy.

Tip: I always advocate to anyone new to Neobux to build up 300 rented referrals before going golden. It can be challenging to rent referrals as a Golden member, as the demand is much higher than a standard member.

I’m not going to bore you with calculations of profit, I am sure you have already read my zero investment strategy, but if not – take a look. We’ll be using the same assumptions and base calculations from that in order to maintain consistency.


If you haven’t already, please sign-up using my referral link: Sign-up to Neobux.

First 3 weeks

After you have signed up, transfer $90 to your rental balance – we’ll need it there.

Let’s look at the first 3 weeks figures:









Ref Clicks





Rent 100







Rent 100







Rent 100







*I’m assuming a 1.5% recycling rate per day based on the number of RRs you have. I will maintain this assumption through the course of this Neobux strategy.


First, these figures are understated. I’m not taking into account revenue from your own clicks, revenue from Mini Jobs, recycling from NeoPoints etc. I would much rather understate than overstate – this only leads to frustration and quitting.

Second, by my calculation, we have spent $60 – so what to do with that other $30? No, we’re not going to put it toward your golden membership. We’re going to keep AutoPay turned on, but we’re also going to turn on AutoRenew at 90 days. The additional $30 will be enough to cover renewals based on the fact that I am calculating AutoPay on all rented referrals. After all your RRs have renewed, turn off AutoPay and leave AutoRenew on at 90 days.


Tip: I would suggest turning AutoPay on to anyone just starting out with Neobux. It helps stagger rental payments due, and makes budgeting a lot easier. As you start making more money – we will lean more toward AutoRenew at a higher discount rate and turning AutoPay off.


It’s important to understand the discount calculation here on RRs. By turning on AutoRenew at 90 days, we are attracting an 18% discount. Yes, we will probably use that entire left over $30 for renewing referrals – but we renew at 18% discount.

Throughout the start of this Neobux strategy I am assuming a flat 15% discount through AutoPay – again understating profit. There is nothing wrong with slightly understating profit – it’s just nice when you realise you are actually earning more

Purchasing your Golden Membership


Golden membership and up is where you start making great money with Neobux. If you’re investing $90, you will definitely want to consider when and how you turn golden – with a mind to eventually becoming a Neobux ultimate member.

You are quite welcome (as I did myself) to introduce more money at this point to turn golden. However, for the sake of this Neobux strategy, I will assume you do not want to introduce any more capital. What we have is about $0.60 profit per day. We need to keep that profit until we have $90 saved – around 150 days.

At this point, all of your rented referrals would have renewed at 90 days, so we are going to assume an 18% discount in all future calculations. Let’s continue the numbers at 165 days:









Ref Clicks





Go Golden!







Rent 100







Rent 100







Rent 100







Rent 100







Rent 100







Rent 100







Rent 100







Rent 100







Rent 100







There is a caveat to this strategy. It gets tough renting 100 packs as a golden member, though not impossible. Make sure when you select your times to rent, you try and select the least popular hours for renting, and make doubly sure you go by the Neobux server time in your local area, and not the time on your PC.

Nevertheless, I carried on the figures a little to show you how it’s possible to quickly ramp up once you become a golden member.

Golden Strategy Next Steps and Summary


The key to being successful with Neobux is not so much on how many clicks your rented referrals make (although obviously important), but more so, how you control costs. If you can get your break-even point down to an absolute minimum, you will make additional profit every day. Aside from upgrading your membership to one of the several available after becoming a golden member, the best thing you can do is get all of your referrals renewing at 240 days, giving you a 30% discount on all renewals.

Just out of interest, this is the stage I am at now. This should definitely be a consideration once you are making good money with Neobux, as a golden member.


A certain way to increase profit is to generate direct referrals. The renewal cost on direct referrals is $0.00 - now that's controlling costs. One of the best ways to do this is to get yourself a basic website, (doesn't have to be fancy, or your own .com - plenty of free ones available) and advertise within traffic exchanges and other PTC sites. There are numerous places to advertise, and if you're serious about making money with Neobux, I would strongly suggest taking a look at The PTC code video training, for only 8 bucks it's a minimal investment and can be made back easily!

Zero Dollar Strategy

We’ll supercharge this Neobux strategy and have you renting 10 referrals within 10 days utilising some additional features within Neobux, aside from the mainstream ad clicks that generate you cash.

We’ll then use the profits from your rentals to purchase more rented referrals until we have enough money to purchase a golden membership, after which your daily profit will rise above $20 per day all with zero investment. Sound good? Then let’s begin!


First, sign up for a Neobux account.


  • Click Ads - Generate 20 cents in your first 10 days


Login to your account, and right at the top, click "View Advertisements".


Neobux View Ads


When you click this, you will get a list of advertisements you can click on to earn money. There will always be a certain number of fixed advertisements that renew daily, usually 20 or so. Unfortunately these have a relatively low yield - $0.001 per ad clicked. Your goal is to generate $0.02 per day giving you $0.20 over your first 10 days.

Tip: Quite often you will see standard or extended advertisements - these give you $0.01 or $0.015 per extended ad per click - make sure you click these first if you see them, as they tend to disappear quite quickly and are equal to the money you make from 10/15 fixed or micro ads!


  • Complete Mini Jobs - Earn $1.80 in your first 10 days


This will give you guys a great head start. Neobux Mini Jobs are simple tasks that advertisers pay you to complete via Neobux. You may have to search for a website and report its ranking in Google, or watch a YouTube video and give some form of feedback.

I spent about 60 minutes one day generating $0.79 with Neobux Mini Jobs to make sure they were legitimate ways of making extra money - they are. Your goal is to make over $1.80 over 10 days, if you are dedicated this can be done in just 1 - cutting 9 days off this Neobux strategy.


  • Earn NeoPoints - 200 per day


We can use NeoPoints as a substitute for paying for rent referral recycles. Every time we recycle it costs $0.07.

Alternatively, we can pay with 93 Neopoints that cost nothing except a little time.

Note: A lot of times Neopoints are generated by installing software on your PC. I have seen adware and spyware within these programs - so if you are going to pursue the NeoPoint tasks that include installing software, make sure you have a decent anti-virus (like the free Avast) and a competent uninstall program, to effectively remove the programs.

After you have generated $2 or more, you can move onto the next step:





The fun part of this Neobux strategy begins! You can rent your first 20 referrals. Rented referrals cost $0.20 each for 30 days rental. You want to make sure of two things here. The first is to turn AutoPay on. AutoPay automatically adds a single day onto the 30 day rental period, every day that the referral clicks on an ad. It does so at a 15% discount on the standard $0.20 charge. So in effect, over 30 days, AutoPay will cost you $0.17 instead of the standard $0.20.

$0.03 does not sound like a lot, but carry that over 1,000 or 10,000 rented referrals as some Neobux members have, and it sure makes a big difference. As you get more experienced with Neobux, you will likely fall over to just using AutoRenew for greater discounts, but AutoPay will be your best bet starting off.

Alert! From now on it is imperative you click on at least 4 of the orange fixed ads, standard ads or extended ads. There will always be 4 orange fixed ads every day for you to click. If you don't you will not receive full credit for your referral's clicks!

Let's do some maths. Assuming an estimate whereby your referrals click an average of 1.8 ads per day, and that you make $0.02 from your individual clicks, plus $0.12 from mini Jobs (typically one job) your daily income will look like:


Let’s do some maths. Assuming an estimate whereby your referrals click an average of 1.8 ads per day, and that you make $0.02 from your own individual clicks, plus $0.12 from Mini Jobs (typically one job) your daily income will look like:


  • Direct Revenue – $0.14

  • Referral Revenue – 10 x 1.8 x $0.005 = $0.09

  • Minus AutoPay – 10 x 0.0057 = $0.057

  • Total Daily Profit – $0.14 + $0.09 – $0.057 = $0.17


We are going to invest daily profit back into Neobux for now, to generate better income. Re-invest just profit (and not total revenue before costs) will ensure we can maintain our rented referral base.




Let's put the above revenue and costs figures into a table, and run through the next few weeks. At making $0.17 per day profit, you can afford to rent 5 new referrals every week. We should do this until we make enough to purchase a 10 pack of rented referrals as follows:










Ref Clicks

Your Clicks

Mini Jobs














Rent 10









Rent 5









Rent 5









Rent 5









Rent 5









Rent 5









Rent 5









Rent 5









I'm making 2 assumptions here:


  • Your continuing t make money off Mini Jobs – which you should in the early days

  • Your generating NeoPoints to cover any recycling fees, which is what I did when starting out

Tip: Don't be too put off about my note regarding Adware/Spyware and NeoPoints in the beginning of this Neobux strategy. There are other tasks there that generate NeoPoints such as surveys and signing up to free offers.


Most of the items above are fairly self explanatory, but let's elaborate, as it's important you understand where the figures are coming from. We'll be using this format for most of the remainder of this strategy.

  • Day – this represents the cumulative days you have been earning with Neobux

  • Action  this is what you do on that particular day to the left!

  • Refs – a cumulative count of how many rented referrals (RRs) you have

  • Ref Clicks – money you get from RR clicks

  • Your Clicks – money you get from your own clicks

  • Mini Jobs – money you generate from Neobux Mini Jobs each day

  • Less AutoPay – applied to all referrals, the daily cost of a RR

  • Recycling – charged at 7% of daily profit

  • Profit – this is your daily profit after all expenses




The table above shows us making $0.29 profit per day, or $2.02 per week. We can now afford to rent 10 pack. The more we reinvest our profit into referrals, the higher packs of rented referrals we will be able to afford. The below table takes us through to day 164 when we reach 300 rented referrals – the maximum number you can have as a standard member:










Ref Clicks

Your Clicks

Mini Jobs





Rent 10









Rent 10









Rent 10









Rent 10









Rent 10









Rent 15









Rent 15









Rent 15









Rent 20









Rent 20









Rent 25









Rent 25









Rent 30









Rent 30









Rent 5









I’m still assuming you are using NeoPoints to pay for recycling. At 300 referrals, there won’t be too much, perhaps 3-5 per day, which is the equivalent of 1-2 NeoPoint tasks. You can always subsidise with more Mini Jobs or more NeoPoints if you find yourself slipping below 1.8 referral clicks per day to keep on target.




Well, we’ve pretty much done all there is to do as a standard member. You now have a choice to make. You can either be satisfied with drawing out your daily profits, around $30 a month, or save up for 86 days or so and go golden. Let’s see where the latter lands us.




At or around day 270, you should have saved up enough profit to purchase a Golden membership, while maintaining your rented referral base of 300. The following table takes right up to day 361, just under a year.










Ref Clicks

Your Clicks

Mini Jobs














Rent 100









Rent 100









Rent 100









Rent 100









Rent 100









Rent 100









Rent 100









Rent 100









Rent 100









Rent 100









Rent 100









Rent 100









Rent 100









A few notes:

  • I have discontinued revenue from Mini Jobs – at this level it is irrelevant

  • I have added in recycling costs at 1.5% of the number of RRs – no more NeoPoints!

  • AutoPay rates go up, the more RR’s you have – this has been taken into account



I do want to mention AutoRenew as an addendum of sorts here. We have used AutoPay throughout this Neobux strategy, as it attracts a 15% discount, regardless of how many RR’s you have. If you’re not against introducing some capital, you may want to use AutoRenew instead of AutoPay. The AutoRenew discounts are as follows:


15 days

30 days

60 days

90 days

150 days

240 days








Any AutoRenew strategy 90 days or over would incur a greater discount than the 15% AutoPay discount, but you would likely need to introduce new capital to pay for the extended rental times.

I also want to mention a couple of strategy acceleration techniques. In the early stages, it’s important to click on as many ads as possible and complete as many Mini Jobs as you can. As you probably gathered from this Neobux strategy – things are kind of slow at first, but then ramp up quite quickly. Any additional money you can make from clicks, Mini Jobs, or even by introducing a little capital can help expedite the timeline laid out in this Neobux strategy.

I hope this Neobux strategy proves useful to you, and wish you good luck!

Basic Neobux Guide

This guide is designed for those completely new to Pay-per-Click programs such as Neobux. It is extremely basic – so those familiar with Pay-per-Click programs might want to skip onto our more advanced Neobux guides. We will overview some of the basic principles of Neobux as well as some common pitfalls to avoid. This guide will cover 3 very basic topics:


  • How to sign up to Neobux

  • How to click on advertisements

  • Ads you must click on to get credit from referrals

Neobux Guide #1 – Signing up for an Account


1. This one is fairly straight forward. First visit the signup page here: Neobux Signup Page

You’ll see a screen like the one below, click register in the top right hand side.


2. Fill in the basic details:

A few points to remember

  • Use a valid email address – you’ll need to confirm registration

  • Use a strong password – to protect your account from hackers!

  • Don’t forget to check the box at the bottom, saying you have read the Terms of Service


3. Important! Don’t close the next screen. You will receive a registration code in your email. It is a very long set of letters and numbers, so copy and paste them into the screen you see after you hit continue in step 2 above. If you don’t receive the email, check your spam folder.


4. That’s it! Click “Login” with your chosen username and password and you can now start clicking on ads and making money!

NeoBux Guide #2 – Clicking on Advertisements

After you have signed up for an account, you can start clicking ads immediately. Login to your account and you will see a dashboard such as the one pictured below. All you need to do is click on the “View Advertisements” link in the top right.


You will be taken to the advertisements page. Note, Neobux employs an anti automatic clicker feature to deter people from having “bots” automatically click on the ads. You must also remain on the ad page for the ad for a variable amount of time (depending on the type of ad) for credit to be given.


You can only click a certain ad once in a 24 hour time-frame.

Here is a breakdown of the available ads, money you get from clicking the ads and how long you have to view the ad as a standard member:


Type of Ad

Click Revenue

Ad Duration

Fixed Ad (Purple)


5 seconds

Fixed Ad (Orange)


5 seconds

Micro Exposure


5 seconds

Mini Exposure


15 seconds

Standard Exposure


30 seconds

Extended Exposure


60 seconds

Neobux Guide #3 Ads you must Click when you have RRs


OK. I am not going to go into much detail about Rented Referrals (RRs) here. But I do want to plant some important information to consider when you come to renting referrals. As a standard member, you have to click a total of 4 ads every day to get full credit from your rented referral clicks on the following day.


Furthermore, these 4 clicks have to come from either the Fixed Orange Ads, Standard Ads or Extended Ads.


Note: There will always be 4 Fixed Orange Ads to click as a standard member.


If you do not click on 4 eligible ads in a 24 hour period, your rented referral income will be a maximum of the number of ads you did click, multiplied by how many rented referrals you have. So for example, if I only clicked on 2 eligible ads and had 100 rented referrals, the max clicks I could get credit for the following day would be 2 clicks x 100 rented referrals = 200 clicks ($2.00)


One other thing to remember, your ads reset every 24 hours, not at midnight! For example, say you join Neobux at 8pm - that's when you can start clicking ads. Your ads reset (so you can click them again) 24 hours later, not at midnight. If you forget what time your ads reset, you can easily find out by clicking on the View Advertisements link. Towards the top of the screen you will see two times. The Neobux server time and the time your ads reset. Note: They reset as per the server time - not your local time.

What is Neobux

Neobux is an evolution in the Pay-per-Click industry. In its simplest form, it is a revenue generating portal where you can earn money from clicking on advertisements. Historically, the only way you could make any real money from a Pay-per-Click program, was by generating hundreds of referrals – people you refer to the site. When your referrals click on advertisements, you also got paid for their clicks.

Neobux evolved this process by allowing you to rent referrals – thus meaning you could have those hundreds of referrals active in your downline without effort or needing the know-how of how to generate them yourselves. Of course, Neobux still allows you the facility to generate direct referrals yourself, alongside renting them.


To surmise, there are 3 primary ways to make money with Neobux:


  • Clicks on ads to earn direct revenue

  • Refer people to Neobux – every time they click an ad, you get paid*

  • Rent referrals from Neobux – when they click, you get paid*


*There are different types of ads, and not all ads clicked on by your referrals – be it direct or rented – will generate you revenue. Types of ads and whether you get click commissions can be found in our 'neobux strategy'

In addition to ad click revenue, you can also earn by completing tasks, surveys, mini jobs etc

Is Neobux a Viable and Legitimate way to Earn Money Online?


Yes. Here are a few reasons why:


  • Neobux was first registered in 2008 and has been under the same ownership and premise ever since – being in the Pay-per-Click industry for over 7 years now!

  • As of March, 2014 there are over 36,000 payment proofs in the Neobux forum

  • Also in the forum, you will find 9,500 success stories

  • Support is very responsive and helpful – whenever I have had questions, they were always answered from support within the hour. Customer support and response time is a huge indication of business morals and ethics.

Where do I Start?


The great thing about Neobux is that you can start with zero investment. In fact, you never have to make any investment. Yes, your progress, and return, will be accelerated if you do invest up front – but this is not necessary to make money with Neobux.




We have several investment strategies on this website:


If you are new to Neobux, please consider reading the tutorials in our 'Neobux strategy' section, as these will prove invaluable in familiarising yourself with the Neobux “language” and system in general.