NeoBux Strategy

Register on Neobux

NeoBux Strategy

And now to the most important part on your way to success and income with NeoBux

Strategy and how to build towards a decent daily income

Below are a few strategies. There are so many sites offering strategies and tips (just google "NeoBux Strategy", you'll see!) I am just going to show you a couple of different versions

Personally, I jumped in and invested about $100 to get started, but as you will see below, you can get started with absolutely NOTHING out of pocket! You can use your earnings from ad clicking to build your referral team, you need never spend a dime out of pocket to make this happen

Earn with NO COST

What I am about to show you is a way to build your earnings to $50 bucks a day without spending a nickel. No hype, no fluff and at most 15 minutes a day

$50+ Per Day NeoBux Strategy Guide : No Investments Needed

This Strategy Guide will teach you how to make REAL money with NeoBux, without paying them a thing. The only catch is you won't be making $50/day right off the bat.  You will be making a few cents when you first start

The name of the game is called PATIENCE
Now, with this method, I haven't invested any money to earn money. If you have money to invest, by all means, do it  and you'll see results faster than mine. The key to making money on NeoBux is through referrals.  It's simple, if you don't have referrals, you won't make money

You can rent referrals directly from NeoBux

The referrals are real people (NOT BOTS) and cost 25 cents a month each.  Some will be active and some won't.  To recycle a non-active referral for an active one you have to pay 7 cents
It may seem like a lot, but it's worth it.  If you don't recycle inactive referrals, you will lose money

Step 1

Start clicking your ads every day. When you reach 75 cents by clicking on your own ads (if you don't invest money) you are able to rent 3 referrals. (BUT DO NOT RENT REFS YET!).  It takes a few days to earn the 75 cents on your own and people are so eager to rent referrals that they just purchase as soon as their account reaches 75 cents. When people do this they do not realize that they do not have enough money to maintain their rented referrals and their referrals eventually are taken away because they can't pay for them

Step 2

Ok so before you rent referrals you should earn $3 by clicking on your ads (Or You Can Invest For Quickness) and then transfer it to your rental balance. This way you have $1 per referral and you will easily be able to recycle them if they are not active or pay to keep them for one more month. It will take a while to get $3 on your own, but this way you will be able to keep your referrals and exchange the inactive ones for active ones without the fear that you will not be able to pay for them

Step 3

Once you have your $3 in your rental balance rent 3 referrals. Auto pay is another must. As soon as you rent your first 3 referrals turn Auto pay on (you will find this on the page below where your referrals are listed). Referrals cost 25 cents a month to keep. Instead of you paying for the referral, they pay for themselves as long as you have Auto pay turned on. What it does is subtract one of the advertisements your referral views each day and puts it towards the 25 cents that referral needs to stick around for another month. So you get one less penny from each referral, but they will be your referral as long as they are active

Step 4

Cashing out too early is a huge problem for people that use NeoBux. When you request a payment it is INSTANTLY transferred into your AlertPay / Paypal account. In order to see if NeoBux is indeed legit (which it is) many people will earn $2 by clicking and then cash it out. Woo-hoo. You now have a TWO WHOLE DOLLARS in your Paypal account. Those dollars should have been put towards renting referrals. With this strategy you will be putting $3 into your rental balance before you rent 3 referrals

So $1 per referral. I actually did not cash out until I started reaching +1000 refs. Keep renting referrals by increments of 3 (you can rent by higher increments later as your referrals make you more money) and continue until you have 300 referrals. This will take quite some time. This is where most people flake out. When you reach 300 referrals, stop renting referrals and just maintain the ones you already have

Keep doing this until the money builds up to about $100 and you can use $90 of it to pay for a Golden upgrade
$100 won't take very long at all to get once you have 300 referrals and once you upgrade to golden your earnings will DOUBLE. This is the great part. Golden costs $90 a year but instead of getting half a cent for every advertisement your referral views, you get 1 cent. Your earnings double. That's all there is to it

Keep renting new referrals after you upgrade to golden and don't cash out. Remember, you haven't cashed out at all, and you shouldn't until you have 2000 referrals

But when you do cash out, you will be able to cash out about $50 a day. And that's the end of the strategy

It will also help you in your NeoBux adventure to get direct referrals, after 30 days with the use of a referral link they will give you

It may seem to start off slow at first but it is only 5 minutes a day till you start to get your account built up

Once you start renting referrals things start to get exciting.  Watch your referrals closely. No clicks for three days when you first rent them, recycle them for new ones

Watch your referral averages and their last sign ins.  Keep all referrals that have an average of over 1


Another Version

 Choose a time of day that you can click ads and eventually manage your referrals at the same time everyday

 Click all available ads everyday (when you get referrals this is necessary to earn from referral clicks

 Utilize all free methods of advertising to gain any direct referrals (after 30 days). Talk it up with your friends and relatives. Put a tagline on your e-mail signature. Post in forums. Use free traffic exchanges

 Once your account balance reaches $3. Transfer this money to your rental balance and rent 3 referrals. It is only $0.90 to rent the referrals but you will need the remainder to properly manage the referrals

 Put the autopay function on

 If a referral of yours has not clicked today or yesterday and has click average of less than 1.0 then recycle it ($0.07) and get a new referral. If they have a click average of between .3 and 1.0, I will give them 4-5 days before I recycle them. I will give those with an average of over 1.0 seven days to return and click just because I would hate to recycle a great referral just because they were on vacation for a week

 Whenever, one of your referrals goes below 20 days before next payment pay to add another 30 days. Below 20 days, the autopay function does not work and you will not get the savings for that referral

 Every time your account balance reaches $1 transfer the money to your rental balance. At first when you are only making a couple of cents per day it is important to keep enough in your rental balance to maintain your recycling activity because you can only transfer in $1 increments. Once you can complete this transfer and have at least $2.40 in your rental balance rent another 3 referrals

 Continue this process until you are making a $1 a day in your account balance. At this point you can begin renting in bigger chunks of referrals every 7 days

 It will take a while but continue the above listed process until you reach 300 referrals. At this point stop renting and just maintain your referrals. Accumulate the earnings until you can pay for the upgrade to golden

 Once golden, maintain your referrals as before. Every week continue to rent referrals until you hit the 2000 refs mark. Any money that you are not sinking into referral maintenance or renting is profit for you

This is the way I manage my account and I have had really good results. The aggressive recycling is very key

And yet another version

When I first started I looked at this as a way to make money without an investment. That's great and all if you're a patient person. I'm one of the many that can't wait. I spent 60 bucks in the first month. This got me 250 rented referrals

Rented referrals is where the money's at on Neobux. The best thing to do is ride on the rented referrals. To do this you must keep them. First turn on 'Auto-Renew' and leave it on. Also maintain an active set of referrals. Constantly recycle dead refs. I set the green zone to 1.1 and the yellow starting at .7 This lets you know on the statistics and the rented page whether you're losing money(red), breaking even(yellow), or profiting (green). If a user stops clicking, give them a day or two. Say one of my referrals skips clicking today. Tomorrow their last click will say yesterday. I like to give them another day. Once the last click turns into a actual date, get rid of them. Keep this up

Don't do this until you are happy with the number of refs you have for a while. Recycle the users with a red average first. With them on auto-renew, you're losing money. Just mass recycle these users till you have a team of dedicated users. Finally its time to go for gold

At this point you should have about 250 members. Keep autopay turned on and check the price of extending your rented refs for 90 days. Check your profit per day and do the math. Once you can afford it, renew the refs for 90 days and disable the autopay. This saves you 20% over time. Then let your money build up. I've heard it can be tough to get rented refs once you hit golden. To prepare for this don't get gold until you have at least 300 rented refs and half are active. You should be able to perform steps 2 and 3 during this time. Golden costs 90 bucks. Get 300 refs and then upgrade. But don't upgrade till you have at least 120 bucks, 30 bucks to work with your refs

Finally for the good part. Before you cash out, make sure you have enough to rent ALL of your refs for another 90 days. Once you do, keep that much in your rental balance. Anything else is profit. Once the 90 days are nearing an end, renew them. Be sure to overlap this time. A week is probably fine, but don't go too late, otherwise you'll have to rebuild that clicking army. After you've renewed, save up for another 90 days. That way the account maintains itself and u just click your  ads every day

How To Make Money With Neobux a PTC site

How does Neobux work? It works just like any other PTC; You get paid for each advertisement you click. You need to keep the advertisements open for 30 seconds, and you are not allowed to view multiple advertisements at once. Doesn't sound like a lot, huh? Well don't worry, because clicking ads yourself won't get you far. You need to get something called referrals. You can get referrals through someone directly signing up under you, or you can buy referrals from neobux itself

Starting From Scratch: This is possible but not recommended. Here's why it's not recommended: Click 4+ ads a day reach 3 dollars: $3/(4 x $0.01) = 75 Days to Reach $3 Rent 10 Referrals for $3 Repeat steps until you are at a comfortable Referral level

Finally, Go GOLDEN

Analysis: Doing this can take a while but once you have your first 10 referrals, the process gets faster. And when you repeat the process again by renting more referrals, you speed up the process even more. So in essence you're creating an avalanche effect. MORE MONEY !!!

Pros: - No initial Investment Needed

Cons: - Can take a long time Starting with an initial investment

Investment Strategy: This is a strategy personally used by me, and it seems to be working so far

So here is how it goes: Invest 30+ dollars for 100 Referrals (Referral price goes up 1 dollar after you have over 250 referrals) Repeat this step once every week, for 3 weeks until you get to 300 Referrals (You can only rent once every 7 days, that's why it takes so long

Go GOLDEN! (You can either use the money your referrals gain you, your own money, or a combination of the two). When you get the Golden Membership, you will make back all your invested money within a month if you maintain a Referral clicking average of at least 2 ads a day

Pros: Does not take as long compared to "starting from scratch" method

Cons: A somewhat big initial investment is needed

Putting Everything into Perspective: Let's say you get to 300 Referrals, and you upgrade to Golden. If your referrals click at least 2 ads a day you will make $210 a month. (500 * 2 * 0.01) - (500 *0.006) = (10) - (3) = $7 Daily Profit = $49 Weekly Profit = $210 Monthly Profit.


Big Money Strategy
This strategy is for people who want to earn a lot by investing money in Neobox. Follow the steps carefully and start your earnings!

 Register and create an account

Click all of your ads everyday and every once in a while there will be extra ads for you to click, check in often

 Rent 100 referrals, this will cost you $25

 Meet the minimum standards so you can upgrade to Golden (Rent at least twice/50 clicks credited/Be a member at least 15 days)

 Before you go golden, you should have rented another 100 referrals for $25 and that puts you at 200 referrals and you should be golden soon

 Upgrade to Golden for $90

 Keep renting 100 pack referrals and clicking

 As soon as your 30 days is up, start recruiting Direct referrals

 Be sure that you maintain an average of 1 in order to make profit

 Once you reach 100 clicks credited, pay $890 to upgrade to Ultimate

 Buy 300 packs of rented referrals and keep doing this until you reach 4000 referrals

 Be sure to maintain your referrals and keep AutoPay on. If you do not have AutoPay on, extend your referrals for 90 days which will give you a 20% discount

 Slowly cash out your money every week and you should get your investment back in around  months

 After that, everything is pure profit for you and an Ultimate with 4000 referrals can make over $500/month profit

See this success story from NeoBux Forum

$2500 a month pure profit


Earn Money with Neobux's Zero Investment Strategy

Step 1. Register and create and account

Step 2. Click all of your ads everyday and every once in a while there will be extra ads for you to click, so check in often

Step 3. Earn $2 - $3 through clicking your ads everyday

Step 4. Transfer the money from your main balance to your rental balance

Step 5. Rent 3 referrals

Step 6. Turn on AutoPay on your Rented Referrals page

Step 7. Maintain your referrals and recycle the ones that have an average below 2 or haven't clicked in 2-3 days

Step 8. Buy more referrals when you can (This is every 7 days as a standard member)

Step 9. Do NOT cash out any of the money that you gain in your main balance as this is used for buying more referrals and maintaining them

Step 10. Once you reach 300 referrals, stop renting anymore referrals and just maintain the ones that you have. That means recycle the bad clickers and keep an average of 1.1 at least

Step 11. Build up your money to about $100 and then upgrade to Golden

Step 12. Once you get Golden membership, keep renting more referrals and maintaining them. Once you hit 1250 referrals, you can stop renting referrals and just maintain them and start to cash out your money

As a Standard member, you have to keep an average of 2 in order to make a profit

As a Golden member, you have to keep an average of 1 in order to make a profit

You have invested nothing and finally you will have a lot of money in your account, but it takes some time. Just wait and follow the given steps

Strategy, strategy, strategy. Just to illustrate that there is no one way to manage your referrals successfully, check out the different strategies from the top money makers in neobux


Join NEOBUX now

Thank you for visiting and hopefully choosing me as your sponsor

Prosperity for all


If you have any questions, contact me (your sponsor). I will be glad to help

Most Trusted PTC Sites

This is my own (very) shortlist of most trusted PTC sites apart from Neobux. I am a member of all of the below – after all we shouldn’t put our eggs in one basket – at least not all of them :) There are a couple of criteria that these programs must meet to make my most trusted PTC sites list

My (Very) Shortlist of Trusted PTC sites

AutoPay, AutoRenew and Recycling

AutoPay, AutoRenew and Recycling are the 3 costs associated with renting referrals in Neobux. You have to fully understand the concepts of each in order to make a decent return from renting referrals. This guide will dig into the details of each cost and I will also share with you how I utilise all 3.

Before I jump into the explanations, familiarise yourself with the cost of renting through Neobux, as these costs are in someway related to the AutoPay and AutoRenew discounts:


Number of RRs

30-Day Cost

0 -> 250


251 -> 500


501 -> 750


751 -> 1000


1001 -> 1250


1251 -> 1500


1501 -> 1750


more than 1750




AutoPay is the most complex of the 3 costs, so we’ll start here. Every day that one of you rented referrals clicks on an ad, you pay an AutoPay fee – which extends the rental period of that referral by one day. The cost of that day’s extension is discounted by 15%.

For example, consulting the table above, if you had 550 rented referrals – your 30 day rental cost on each referral would be $0.22. (550 falls between the 501 and 750 limits). If AutoPay is switched on, you will be charged $0.22/30 less 15% ($0.0062) for each rented referral that clicks on at least 1 advertisement. This will extend their rental period by 1 day. This cost is decremented from your rental balance.


The following table is much like the one above, but shows corresponding AutoPay costs to number of referrals – which is a flat 15% regardless of how many RRs you have.


Number of Referrals

30-Day Cost

AutoPay Cost

0 -> 250



251 -> 500



501 -> 750



751 -> 1000



1001 -> 1250



1251 -> 1500



1501 -> 1750



more than 1750



Turning AutoPay On/Off

It’s very easy to switch AutoPay on and off. Login to your Neobux account and click on the rented referral icon at the top right of your dashboard:


Neobux Rented Referrals

Simply click on AutoPay in the rented referral screen to turn off, click again to turn on:


Neobux AutoPay

Should I Enable or Disable AutoPay?

Different people have different opinions on this. If you remember, AutoPay attracts a 15% discount. When we look at AutoRenew, we will see discounts up to 30%. Based on this, many people suggest turning AutoPay off and AutoRenew on for at least 90 days, where the AutoRenew discount becomes bigger than the AutoPay discount. I disagree.

Until the point I am happy with the number of rented referrals I have, and they are all set to AutoRenew at 240 days, I will keep AutoPay on. I currently have AutoRenew set at 150 days (a 25% discount), so why have AutoPay turned on at a lower 15% discount? Well, the nice thing about AutoPay is that it helps smooth out when renewal payments are due.

I just rented 55 referrals through the express queue. What happens if I turn AutoPay off? All 55 RRs will renew at the exact same time, which at $0.79 each, comes out to $43.45! What happens if I don’t have at least $43.45 in my rental balance (or secondarily in my main balance) – I lose referrals!

AutoPay helps smooth out renewal payments because it only extends rental periods if that RR clicks at least one ad. Not every RR is going to click the same day, thus not every RR will be extended each day – so you get a staggering effect which helps break up the points when the next renewal payment is due.

There’s still a couple of days where I will need to make sure I have enough funds to cover the renewals on 20 or so referrals, but nowhere close to 55. This to me, is the main benefit of AutoPay.

Remember! AutoPay is automatically disabled for any RRs that have 20 days or less remaining of their rental period.

Furthermore, the affect on my break-even point is relatively minimal. Suppose 40% of my RRs click at least one ad, I have AutoPay turned on and AutoRenew at 150 days – my break even point is 0.538. With AutoPay turned off, it is 0.5. My break even point is lower if I turn AutoPay off because the discount on 150 days AutoRenew is higher than the AutoPay discount – so I would assume the higher discount on all referrals.

However, the risk of losing referrals through insufficient funds is much higher with AutoPay turned off, as such my AutoPay setting is staying enabled!



We touched a little on AutoRenew above. As AutoPay, it is a discounted cost in relation to the renewal of your rented referrals. However, it is not a daily cost like AutoPay – the cost is charged up front based on a chosen number of renewal days – 15, 30, 60, 90, 150 and 240. The longer you renew for, the higher the discount to renew per referral:


15 days

30 days

60 days

90 days

150 days

240 days








You also have the option of choosing how many days before the RR expires to apply the AutoRenew payment. You can choose between 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 days before expiration. There is no cost advantage to choosing to renew at a greater number of days before the RR expires, so I have this set to 3 days.

Turning AutoRenew On/Off

You access AutoRenew settings in the same place as AutoPay settings, again clicking on it to enable or disable. When you enable, you have the options of setting the AutoRenew length of time, as well as how many days before the expiration of a RR the renewal should be made:


Neobux AutoRenew

Planning for AutoRenew Costs

It’s very easy to just set this to 240 days because you want the biggest discount on your rented referrals, but bear in mind the costs for extending the rental period of a referral:



AutoRenew Period


Number of RRs

15 Days

30 days

60 days

90 days

150 days

240 days

0 -> 250







251 -> 500







501 -> 750







751 -> 1000







1001 -> 1250







1251 -> 1500







1501 -> 1750







more than 1750








So, if I am new to Neobux, and I rent my first 50 referrals (at a cost of $10) with the intent of renewing at 240 days – I would need $56 (50 x 1.12) in my rental or main balance to cover the extensions!

It is not realistic to expect a $10 investment to grow to over $50 in a 30 day period – however, many Neobux users make this mistake, and set their AutoRenew period at an unrealistic point based on their profit points. If you do not have sufficient funds in your account, you lose the referrals.

If you are planning to AutoRenew at anything above 30 days, make sure you have enough funds to cover the upcoming costs. It is very easy to see when your payments are due based on the bottom graph in your statistics page, which shows you how many referrals are up for renewal in how many days.

My AutoRenew Settings

Currently I am trying to get all my RRs to renew at 150 days. I am having to introduce new capital because I am also renting more referrals. This is something I planned for and know how much it is going to cost ahead of time.

After all my RRs renew at 150 days, I will switch it to 240 days, and most probably turn AutoPay off, as I will be relatively happy with the number of RRs I have.

Planning ahead and making good use of the statistical resources Neobux provides is very important. Many people only look at how many clicks their referrals made today, oblivious to upcoming costs or absent from any strategy to control those costs. As such, they either find themselves having to introduce new capital or end up quitting Neobux – an unfortunate result that could easily be avoided.


Recycling is the easiest cost associated with renting referrals to understand, but perhaps the most debatable of how and when to apply. Recycling (in Neobux lingo) refers to replacing an inactive rented referral with a different, hopefully more active rented referral. The cost to recycle a referral depends on your membership but is typically $0.07. Emerald and Platinum members are charged $0.06, while Ultimate members are charged just $0.04.

When to Recycle a Referral

This is a tough question to answer. Neobux is a dynamic environment so to apply a static recycling strategy would not make sense. Some days you will recycle more, some days less. If you recycle too much, your profits will be eaten up by recycling fees. If you recycle too little, you will be burdened with a rented referral base of inactive clickers, and your profits will drop.

We need to find a balance between the two scenarios highlighted above. Here are some general tips:

  • Recycle Regularly – there’s no point in keeping inactive referrals and delaying their recycle by days – only to spend the same amount recycling them – when you could have an active RR for those days if inactivity.

  • Give your RR’s a chance – not everyone clicks everyday - the below RR has times where one of my RRs has not clicked for 2 days, but is still generating me 2.6 clicks on average per day, way above my break-even of 0.529. Recycle on a case by case basis.

  • All inactive referrals are automatically replaced after 14 days of inactivity. I would advise not waiting until that point. Recycle any referral that hasn’t clicked in at least 7 days. That’s 7 days click revenue you can be earning before the 14 day inactivity period.

AutoPay, AutoRenew and Recycling Summary


The potentially most profitable way to make profit in Neobux is through renting referrals, unfortunately it is almost the most common element linked to why people quit, mainly through lack of understanding of AutoPay, AutoRenew and Recycling which leads to a poor return.

Through understanding these costs, you will be able to appropriately and effectively develop strategies of your own, which will help you reap profits from Neobux for years to come.

Break Even Calculator

I always tell people, it’s just as important to control your costs in Neobux, as it is to worry about your click average from rented referrals, maybe even more so. Of course some people don’t believe me ;) . The truth is, the lower your break even point on rented referrals, the higher your profit will be.

Many people get frustrated with low click rate averages, and do not see decent returns, because they don’t take advantage of the AutoRenew discounts offered by Neobux.

That’s in part why I wanted to put together this Neobux break even calculator for rented referrals. At the touch of a button, you can see what your break even click average would be if you were to use the 90 day AutoRenew instead of AutoPay, or combine AutoPay with 150 day AutoRenew. In short, you can very easily compare any different strategy you want, and the spreadsheet will pop out your break even point.

I thought it would be interesting also to see what the break even points would be, based on all the different levels of memberships within Neobux – so factored that in. Whatever AutoPay or AutoRenew setting you input, you’ll see break even points for every different type of membership within Neobux. Here’s a screenshot:

free neobux break even calculator

There’s only 4 cells to fill in, and 3 of them are obvious. The only tricky one is the “Percentage of RRs that click”. We need this for AutoPay calculations. Don’t worry, it’s easy to find out. Login into your Neobux dashboard and navigate to the referral statistics screen. Find the AutoPay value chart and pull the previous days total cost by rolling your mouse over the point:

rented referral break even calculator

Note: We pull the previous days, because obviously today’s results are not finalized yet. It’s really just to get you a good average of your % of RRs that click. You can also play with this figure to see what happenes to your break even point if more or less people click.


Now find your corresponding AutoPay value per referral based on your membership:


Referral Costs



0 -> 250



251 -> 500



501 -> 750



751 -> 1000



1001 -> 1250



1251 -> 1500



1501 -> 1750



more than 1750




Let’s say my AutoPay cost per referral is $0.0060 because I have 260 rented referrals. We can figure out how many referrals clicked using the simple calculation $0.54 (AutoPay value)/$0.0060 (AutoPay cost per referral) = 90. So out of 260 referrals, 90 clicked at least one ad, so my percentage of RRs that clicked would be 90/260, or around 35%.

Here’s the Neobux break even calculator:


Neobux Rented Referral Break Even Calculator


As always, this is completely free for your use. It is not for resale but can be freely distributed to anyone you like, providing you keep my links in the spreadsheet. Please provide any feedback or comments below!

Ways To Get Referrals

1. Post on GPT forums.


2. Tell friends and family.


3. Use to change your referral link completely.


4. Door-hang around neighborhoods.


5. Walk through parking lots putting flyers on cars.


6. Write a blog.


7. Keep your referral link on your Sig. on all forums with a brief explanation.


8. Find chat rooms and groups that have the sole purpose of “Easy Money Making”


9. Write a classified ad.


10. Talk to students at high schools and colleges.


11. Put a flyer up at work.


12. Advertise while you drive with flags, bumper stickers, etc.


13. Post your link at the end of your YouTube videos.


14. Attach a .txt in an RAR file with that you can upload with your referral link.


15. Give flyers for local businesses to hand out.


16. Send out flyers in a mailing list (ex.:


17. Get a bot/macro to post your link with a simple explanation on any server you may be hosting/running


18. Make a website.


19. Tell people thru IM/PM


20. Link-Exchange


21. Paid advertising on other people’s websites


22. Advertise on on-line games.


23 Print business cards and include your phone number to enter into business drawings (like you find in a lot of restaurants)


24. Buy “paid to sign up” at other GPT sites


25. Buy an expired domain with traffic and “redirect” to your referral link ex:


26. Buy banner space. Impression in high PR forums/groups.


27. Buy text links on blogs/forums/groups


28. Offer cash or other incentives for sign-ups


29. Add your ref. link or website to a filename of an mp3, video, or program and share it over a file-sharing network like Bear Share or a torrent program.


30. Free traffic exchanges


31. Paid traffic exchanges


32. Google Adwords (makes website ads that link to your website or ref. link)


33. Mention that you get paid in US funds


34. Rent a billboard (Approx. $8-$15 per day)


35. Get a tattoo with your referral link on it


36. Go door-to-door and ask in person


37. Add your site/blog to digg, stumble upon, Bumpzee,, etc


38. Have a friend or network digg your site/blog to digg, stumble, etc


39. Get a custom made shirt with advertisement on the front and/or back


40. Radio advertisement for your referral link or website.


41. Set up an info-kiosk in front of your local store or empty lot.


42. Attach your referral link in your email address or sig.


43. Road-side signs & banners


44. Have people sign up through CashCrate in order to play a fun online-game.


45. Optimize your website for excellent search engine ranking.


46. Add regular content to your site or blog. Keep it updated with new info.


47. On your banner/images, use the “alt tag” with either your webpage/blog or “keyword”. Search engines can index/spider images, so adding the “alt tag” helps “define” the image!


48. Put a cheap ad in your local penny saver or thrifty nickel in the help wanted or employment section


49. Make a fake wallet out of fabric and put fake money in it with your ref link or website written all over it.


50. - For a fee, they will send targeted, unique visitors to your page.


51. Put up an advertisement that says “free money”.


52. Put an E-book up for auction on Ebay with your blog or other website info in it.


53. Before shipping eBay items, put an ad with your ref. link in the box.


54. Send email to all your contacts, and tell them to join with your referral link.


55. Tell people at school


56. Send your MySpace, Friendster, Facebook friends a message with your ref. link.


57. Guild members and online friends.


58. Make a sign to put on a row of shared mailboxes




60. Sign up for a virtual business card. and list your blog under the money making forum. Once you sign up, visit other money making blogs and drop your card on their site.


61. Build a huge MySpace friends list and dedicate the profile to your blog or website.


62. Place business cards with your referral link in shopping carts.


63. Put up a flyer that has your ref. link with tear off tabs on store bulletin boards.


64. Go to the library and place business cards with referral links in books about financing, debt, home businesses, etc.


65. Place business cards with referral link in public restrooms.


66. Place your referral link on counterstrike.


67. Text your link to all your friends/family.


68. Make a tag to your CashCrate link or your blog.


69. Set your in-game username to a shortened link or your referral link.


70. Hold up a sign on a street corner just like a car wash.


71. Write a song about it


72. Put your URL in your PS3’s comment.


73. Point out that this is not a scam such as “free to sign up”, post testimonials, or “doesn’t require confidential information such as credit cards, bank account, or social security info.


74. Register to where you can earn referrals.


75. Print off fake/dummy checks and leave them at heavily populated places.


Make it out to Uncle Sam for $23,000, sign it, and just below the dollar amount, put in case this check is found, please visit www.”yourwebsite”.com.


76. The idea is that if you have ever lost Money you can make it back at this website:


77. Hold a raffle drawing for a cheap product and give out raffle tickets with your ref link or website on it.


78. Advertise on Craigslist


79. Have a pilot write your ref. link in the sky with his plane.


80. Put business cards in the credit card slots at gas stations.


81. Make business card coupons with your website or ref. link and leave at different stores with a Take One – Free sign.


82. Buy a pack of blank CD’s and burn a run file of your website or a notepad file with a copy of your blog or ref link.


83. Print free business cards at


84. Get pencils, paper, pens, magnets, etc printed with your link on them and “leave” them lying around. (Free at


85. Start up a free online game site full of free java and flash games and embed your banner into the top of each game.


86. Paint your referral link on your car and go on a road trip across America.


87. Put the link on your msn name.


88. Pass out cards at a trade show.


89. Write your link on the back of a restaurant paper placemat.


90. Threaten people to sign up


91. Tell them if they sign up, and use the forums, they can see a dancing banana!


92. Get a rubber stamp and stamp your ref. link or website on envelopes that you use to mail bills.


93. Offer to help find their first referrals after signing up under you.


94. Write an article.


95. Paint your referral link on the street


96. “Brand” yourself with a familiar name on forums, articles, etc.


97. Reserve a booth at the next festival or fair and set up a wireless laptop for demos.


98. Cross-link your website, blogs, articles, posts, and classifieds.


99. Get custom-made ink-filled shoes with your ref. link embedded on the bottom so everywhere you walk, it acts like a pen and stamps your link everywhere!


100. Open a store with your website name or ref. link!




Traffic exchanges


A guaranteed, sure way to get free direct referrals is to use Traffic Exchanges. How they work?


In short, you must register on them first. Then you have to surf (open and view for a specific time period) a number of websites. You get credited for each view with 1 credit. And you will get a click on your referral link (or website if you choose) for each credit.